The Salford Festival of Research: 30 June – 9 July 2021

Save the dates, the Salford Festival of Research online has arrived this summer. There’s lots of events to get involved with such as ‘Café Research: Eat, live and learn. All things research!’ Hear more about the exciting research taking place across our diverse researcher community. For more information and booking, please take a look at […]

Step-by-step guide to impact: Part 4 Guidance on impact evidence collection

Once you have started to identify the impact that your research activities are having, it is important to capture evidence or ‘proof’ of this impact so that you can demonstrate this to your stakeholders and funders to show why your research is so important in the wider context. In order to capture impact, it needs […]

Re: The Funding Development team

Dear colleagues, there recently has been the announcement of funding cuts affecting several programs and funders. The scale of the planned cuts will result in the termination of existing and future research projects. These follow the Chancellor’s decision to reduce overseas aid spending from 0.7% to 0.5% of gross national income. This was reported in […]

Step-by-step guide to impact: Part 3 Planning impact through bidding

If you have ever applied for external funding before, for example through a Research Council, you will no doubt have been asked to consider the impact of your research by means of completing an impact summary and pathways to impact document. This was a previously requirement in order to provide funders with detail on the […]

Step-by-step guide to impact: Part 2 Stakeholder analysis for impact generation

If you are looking to generate impact from your research, please ensure that you engage from the start of your research projects with the University’s Impact, Engagement and Environment Coordinator, Emma Sutton, and your School Impact Lead so that the impact can be tracked and evidenced on an ongoing basis. Key points to consider when you start a […]

Step-by-step guide to impact: Part 1 Public Engagement

If you are new to the idea of ‘research impact’ and want a good place to start, look at how you can connect with your publics via some form of public engagement. By disseminating your research more widely and engaging with a variety of different stakeholders you will be able to track whether your research […]

Cuts to ODA Research funding

Dear colleagues, if you have previously applied to Global Challenges Research (GCRF) or Newton funding? Please be aware that these funding might be affected by the planned government cuts to Official Development Assistance (ODA) funding. As a result, these cuts also affect other UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) funding which would typically require ODA/GCRF co-funding. […]

REF submission – March 2021 and post-REF plans

Our final submission to the REF2021 exercise is fast approaching, but what are the plans for impact post-REF? The University considers research impact not as a means to an end, but as a public good in itself and our researchers have a duty to demonstrate impact from our research. This is particularly important for research […]

UK participation in EU Programmes for Research, Innovation and Higher Education

Following Brexit, the following is an update regarding UK participation in Horizon Europe and other EU programmes  As part of the agreement reached between the UK and the EU, the UK has announced that it will associate to Horizon Europe. Association will give UK scientists, researchers and businesses access to funding under the programme on equivalent terms as organisations in […]

Research Impact Fund 2020/21 – Special Call

The Research and Knowledge Exchange Strategy 2017-2027 places impact at its heart, with one of its core values being to ‘transcend traditional disciplinary boundaries to deliver innovative fundamental and applied research with impact’. With this in mind, the Research Impact Fund is offering individuals and groups up to £3000 that must be match-funded by their […]