With the end of semester one done and dusted, and a new batch of modules ready to launch next month, many of us will be looking to power through our final few assignments and pieces of exam preparation over the Christmas break.

But what do you do when your motivation is fading, and the thought of slouching in front of the TV with a mince pie threatens to get the better of your study plans? For me, music is always the way forward, to kick me out of my funk and back into focused revision-mode! So here are my top picks for the best songs to get you through that final hour of work before you clock off for the holidays:

‘Survivor’- Destiny’s Child

This power pop anthem is the definition of a fist-pumping rouser – which makes it the perfect wake-up call when a morning of essay writing dawns!

‘Tubthumping’- Chumbawamba

Cheesy and cringe-worthy it may be, but when that word count seems to be slipping further from your reach, sometimes a bit of screaming along unashamedly to a footie classic is exactly what you need!

‘We Are The Champions’- Queen

With an opening that begs to be sung in a melancholy tone in front of a rain-streaked window, which builds to a symphonic chorus line that will have you reaching for the sky and feeling every bit the queen (see what I did there?)

‘Gold Steps’- Neck Deep

When the world feels rough, songs you can throw yourself around an imaginary mosh pit to are the perfect remedy! Packed full of rippling guitars and with lyrics that are as punchy as they are profound, you can’t go wrong with this classic pop-punk banger!

‘Deadweight’- I Prevail

For those with a taste for the heavier things in life, metalcore’s rising stars, I Prevail, have you covered. Need a track to motivate you to cut out those that drag you down? ‘Deadweight’ is the perfect companion.

‘Here Comes the Sun’- The Beatles

Sometimes, all you need when you’re stuck in the quagmire of referencing is a light-hearted little pick-me-up, in which case, you can’t beat this summery classic. If it ain’t broke!

‘This Is Me’- The Greatest Showman Movie Soundtrack

Yes, I know it’s been played to death, and yes, you probably were sick of hearing it everywhere this time last year! But a song about believing in yourself, shaking off negativity, and being unapologetically proud of your achievements? Sign me up!

‘Can’t Stop’ – Red Hot Chili Peppers

Feeling a little spaced-out and psychedelic? Why not match your music choices to that feeling, and indulge in some pumped up weirdness from the Red Hot Chili Peppers?

‘Rebel Girl’- Bikini Kill

Want to feel like a kick-ass queen who can conquer the world in under 3 minutes? Bikini Kill, recently reformed feminist punk legends, carry confidence in spades, alongside a grumbling bassline that is sure to stoke the fire in your belly back to full, flaming force!

‘Eye of the Tiger’- Survivor (from ‘Rocky’)

I can personally attest to the fact that this song is all that got me through the long slog of revising for my Physics GCSE papers, so rest assured that this can be the final push of pep into your step that will get you over the finish line to submitting that tricky assignment!

‘Stronger’ – Kanye West

Heartbeat-esque, pulsating synths, and that irresistibly repetitive chorus – what more could you ask for from a motivational track? Perfect for whether you’re making the Everest-like climb up the stairs to the library or flicking through books looking for that perfect reference.

‘Lose Yourself’- Eminem

The only danger with this uncompromising track is that you end up memorising all the lyrics rather than the flash cards you have just made (speaking from experience again here!), but when walking into an exam or heading for a meeting with your tutor to discuss an assignment, there’s nothing better for getting you walking with your shoulders back and your head held high.

‘High Hopes’- Panic! at the Disco

Another one that you’ve heard on every radio station the world over lately, I know, but that doesn’t detract from the elevating power of Brendon Urie’s soaring vocal lines, and the promise that you too will make it to where you deserve to be, once that final paper is submitted!

‘Titanium’- Sia

Throwing it back a little here – it’s hard to believe that this song will be 10 years old next year! Though 2011 seems like an age ago for many of us, this pure pop sensation still packs a great deal of punch!

‘Dog Days Are Over’- Florence and the Machine

As the end comes into sight, that tinkling piano starts automatically playing in the back of my mind, such is the pure elation contained within this song’s lyrics and melody! You’re almost at the finish line!

‘Right Back At It Again’- A Day to Remember

And at the end of it all, when you finally press submit on that assignment, and watch the notification pop up on your screen, you feel like reaching for the sky… that is, until you remember the next paper that is waiting for you! It might feel a little like groundhog day, but don’t worry – A Day to Remember have been there too, and they made it out alive! So, onwards and upwards!

What do you think of our list? Do you have any more songs that you want to add? Let us know by commenting below, and we’ll keep this playlist updated with all your best suggestions!

For more great studying tips and advice, check out Helena’s post on how to change up your study routine to keep that motivation going ?