If you have been following our Facebook events page, you might know we’ve recently been doing a lot of Applicant online Q&As, where particular course applicants have been able to talk to staff and current students on the courses they are interested in. For our Physics and Maths social we were joined by student Cameron. As well as helping out with our Facebook social, Cameron told me a bit more about his course and Salford student experience.

Hi Cameron, what course are you studying?

Mathematics, second year.

On a desk there is a couple of notebooks, charging wires, a set of headphones and a mathematics calculator.
Photo by Charles ?? on Unsplash

What made you choose Salford University?

Mainly the structure of my course, I liked a lot of the modules that we study throughout the course. The course is quite wide ranging, which suits my ‘jack of all trades’ approach to maths rather than getting really specialised in one area of maths.

A winter shot of the red 'ambition' sign outside Maxwell building. The photo also shows the back of a student walking past in a dark blue coat. Snow falls around him.
Photo: Charles Leek

Tell us a bit about your course, what is your typical week like?

I have 6 taught modules, so I am in about 4 days a week. I get Wednesdays off, which stops my week from feeling like too much.

An up close shot of a page full of sums with a pencil laid on top.
Photo by Chris Liverani on Unsplash

How are you finding your second year?

I am enjoying it so far, the modules are getting into really advanced maths, which is a challenge- but a fun one. I’ve been studying a large range of topics, my favourite at the moment is probably Tensor Algebra (which in English is about solving large numbers of equations at once, without doing anywhere near as much working out as you would normally).

Any plans for when you graduate?

I plan to become a maths teacher- I am on a Teach First-style programme that gets me into teaching after I graduate. The degree at Salford is really helpful as it will allow me to teach Physics or Statistics as well as Maths, because of how much the course covers.

An up close shot of a biro pen and some mathematical sums.
Photo by Antoine Dautry on Unsplash

What do you like to get up to when you’re not studying?

I enjoy reading and playing on my PS4 mostly. I tutor GCSE students throughout the week, so at the moment I don’t have a lot of free time. Netflix is also my bane around exam time, but my favourite thing to do when I just want to switch off for a little while.

An up close shot of hardback books with assorted covers.
Photo by Viktor Talashuk on Unsplash

What is your favourite thing about the University of Salford?

I love the university, and I am hard pressed to name a favourite thing about it. I’d probably say my lecturers, as they are all fantastic, friendly and easy to learn from. I’ve had a number of conversations with them out of class too, and will miss them dearly when I move on from Salford.

A upward shot of a blue sky and the front of one of the University of Salford buildings that has the logo on it.
Photo: Charles Leek

We are so glad Cameron is having a great time at Salford. To find out a bit more about his course have a look at the course page on our website here or order a prospectus!