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5 management lessons that you learn from #Pinterest

In the ten years since Tim O’Reilly coined and popularised the concept of Web 2.0 it has become the basis for many claims and blames. Invoking Web 2.0 has also become the vehicle by which many traditional roles are being redefined and extended (or at least claimed to be). One of the most noticeable of these […]

Is Manchester United’s tablet ban about safety or shrewd business?

Manchester United supporters lucky enough to see high-profile signings Radamel Falcao and Angel di Maria in action for the first time at Old Trafford at the weekend may have done well to remember we look with our eyes and not our hands. Or fingertips, to be specific. In an age where no experience is complete […]

Kickstarter is turning into eBay as shoppers play investor

Crowdfunding has come a long way in its short history. Today, it is even changing the way we consume. What was once a way to give a largely ready product a helping hand on its final push to market has become a means for consumers to get involved with something still on the drawing board, […]

Blackburn Rovers kit launch ruffles feathers as #birdysdate goes viral

By David Randles, University of Salford and Alex Fenton, University of Salford While Gerald Ratner can always be presented to disprove the theory there is no such thing as bad publicity, the words of Oscar Wilde appeared apt when Blackburn Rovers were accused of a brand marketing faux pas on the unveiling of its new […]

The $10 billion Japanese app bringing Candy Crush tactics to messaging

A Japanese messaging app called Line has filed for an initial public offering (IPO) valued at nearly US$10 billion. For an app almost unknown outside Japan it’s an audacious move. However, messaging is there simply to suck you into Line’s mobile world, where the real profits are made. Unlike its rivals, it is already making […]

The right to be forgotten is fundamental in the digital age

The current debate over the right to be forgotten, spurred by a European Union ruling that allows people to stop certain web pages from appearing in search results, is proof – if further proof was required – of the distinct form of public life that is being created by the internet. Our digital identities are […]

Mergers and acquisitions – was the Pfizer/AstraZeneca ‘no deal’ a success or failure?

There is something important to note about the deal on everyone’s lips at the time of writing (Pfizer/AstraZeneca). It is that journalists and politicians are repeating the ‘urban myth’ that `big pharma’ deals destroy value. This myth is proving difficult to dispel. Research conducted by Scott Moeller and myself for Intelligent M&A: Navigating the Mergers […]

Prince Philip, Cargo Cult island – Tanna and Survivorship Bias

The recent release of a book by Matthew Bayliss concerning the South Pacific tribe who worship Prince Philip echoes my own experience and observation of cargo cults at Salford Business School in reverse and, consequently, draws me to an alternative set of observations and conclusions. For example, there is the Prince Philip cargo cult island […]

Confessions of an Aspergic Professor

“Computers were made by and for people with Asperger’s Syndrome,” goes the joke – but one with a grain of truth. “Academic life suits Aspies” goes another – but is it still true? I was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome in 2003, though I had it most of his life, unknown. On discovering this, my wife, […]