Expert Commentary

In the world of business, things are constantly changing. Our expert academics explain and give their views on the latest hot topics from the worlds of law, business, HR, finance, retail and much more.

Blackburn Rovers kit launch ruffles feathers as #birdysdate goes viral

By David Randles, University of Salford and Alex Fenton, University of Salford While Gerald Ratner can always be presented to disprove the theory there is no such thing as bad publicity, the words of Oscar Wilde appeared apt when Blackburn Rovers were accused of a brand marketing faux pas on the unveiling of its new […]

Salford Business School Graduation – Mission Impossible

I graduated! I am now officially a Bachelor of Science (BSc) Business and Management! I have to say that it is the first ever graduation that I had. I missed Middle and High School graduation due to all sorts of reasons. For me Middle and High School is just the difference between level 17th of […]

Namitha Muthukrishnan: modern career woman’s guide

I am Namitha Muthukrishnan, a Luxury Hospitality professional and I am currently an MBA student at the University of Salford’s Business School. Let me begin by saying that I am extremely impressed with women at the University of Salford and here is why. It is only my first week at Salford Business School and the […]

MSc Marketing at Salford Business School – “Try it – Love it!”

Paulo Coelho, the author of  “The winner stands alone” said that “One day, you will wake up and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted. DO IT NOW.” It is the saying that encourages me to make my dream come true study abroad in the UK. Beside that, since […]

Puro y Simple: more than just a family business

Family businesses within the food industry are very common. Mine is a very pure and simple business. ‘Puro y Simple” (”pure and simple’ in English) is a wholemeal bread manufacturer based in Venezuela. Since 1981, Puro y Simple has specialized on offering Venezuelans an alternative to the traditional white bread, natural wholemeal bread of the highest […]

The $10 billion Japanese app bringing Candy Crush tactics to messaging

A Japanese messaging app called Line has filed for an initial public offering (IPO) valued at nearly US$10 billion. For an app almost unknown outside Japan it’s an audacious move. However, messaging is there simply to suck you into Line’s mobile world, where the real profits are made. Unlike its rivals, it is already making […]

What did Salford MBA students do in May 2014?

I am an MBA student at the University of Salford.  I chose Salford University as I felt that the rich and extensive programme they offer would be the most beneficial and useful for my career progression. Part of the Salford MBA course is a customary trip abroad to visit different business’ and business schools. This year […]

Passing on the Digital Marketing Strategy Baton…

I have now been lucky enough to spend a year at Salford Business School, working as a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) Digital Marketing Executive. This is a position which revolves around a project between the university and their partner Pennine Telecom. In this role so far, I have researched multi-channel digital marketing strategies and I […]

Salford MBA International Trip to Brazil

In May of this year, the Salford MBA students were given the opportunity to take part in an MBA International Trip. The choices provided were Almeria in Spain, Hong Kong or Brazil. The latter destination was most appealing to me, not just because of the impending World Cup, but because as an emerging market there […]